Submission of visual essay

Submission to the course Individual Project Work 1, 2022 focusing on socially engaged arts practice and questions of place and communities based on the principle of more-than-human realms and art, at HDK/Valand August 2022

By Hanna Ivy Iveslätt

As my individual project this summer I have initiated a social art process in my community, that attempts to create a framework for collectively bearing witness to stories of war, migration, persecution and exile. I call it:


The short visual essay of 5 minutes that I submit is an abbreviated and harshly compromised version of a longer presentation of this work. The full presentation of the work is attached further down the page as optional material to watch. It’s approximately 11 minutes long. To get a better understanding of the process, it is advised to watch at the longer version. I have further attached, also as optional material, a link to the full readings of approximately 9 hours, to further get a glimpse of the full process.

The visual essay, 5 minutes long

Optional material relevant to the process:

The full presentation film of the process, 11 minutes

Link to all the readings